Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reading Responses 7-10

RR7: Identify the key elements and process for Service Learning.

Preparation includes both teacher and students researching the needs of the area. This includes internet research, interviews, book research, and field trips. The main purpose of this stage is to find out as much as possible about a need and its importance, then establishing a plan of action. This plan requires students to remain inquisitive and active during the process.

The action stage encourages students to continue researching and adapting. It also lets students identify as community members and stakeholders, which helps them see the importance of the role they can play in their society. Students are therefore thriving as part of a group through collaboration while at the same time, exercising their skills and talents.

The reflection stage encourages personal growth and awareness by encouraging students to seriously ponder the experience of service learning. Students will critically think about their work and consider any changes in beliefs, attitudes, or knowledge. Teachers and other adults will help students think deeply about their experiences throughout the service learning.

Students will show what they have learned and accomplished in the demonstration stage of service learning. This is achieved through public presentations that will allow students to teach others as well as review on their own about service learning.

-Key Elements:
In order for service learning to be successful, there are certain key elements that must be met. These include: Integrated Learning, Genuine Needs, Collaborative Efforts, Reciprocity, and Civic Responsibility. These elements all emphasize that service learning must be an authentic and valuable experience for students in order for it to be a rewarding experience.

RR8: LIST ideas and resources you can use for your Service Learning and ITU (Task 11).

RR8: LIST ideas and resources you can use for your Service Learning and ITU (Task 11).

-Since our unit focuses on the importance of a green, environmentally friendly Carlsbad, some of the service learning ideas we have shared are:
-Field Trips to Lagoons: Students choose one of the three lagoons in the Carlsbad area, learn & research about the issues in that specific lagoon, then visit and complete hours of service there (helping clean, helping preservation efforts, visiting/speaking with experts, etc.).

-Beach Clean-Up: There are many beach cleanup opportunities in the Carlsbad area. Students can join an organization’s beach clean up or create their own group and organize it themselves.
This can be expanded by having students include an element of education in their beach clean-up, such as creating flyers that educate beach-goers on the importance of keeping the beach safe while they are present at the beach. 

-Giving students various options on how to approach the service learning component may also help students think of an experience that will be valuable for them.

-Reflection: We want the students in our classes to finish off their service learning by creating videos (writing, filming, editing, etc.) that they will publicly present. It may be presented to other classes or some videos may be presented on the school’s TV news.

RR9: Begin your ethnographic research on your school site to complete your ethnography for EDSS 530 and to complete Task 3 for the ITU.

RR10: Revise your team's Task 2: ITU Cover Sheet. Make sure you use the ITU assignment template and ppt to guide your work.

-Please visit the “ITU Link” tab to view RR 9 & 10.